Are you the mom of the house?

Do you not know who you are anymore? Or maybe you have just forgotten completely? Don’t worry! Here’s a handy little quiz to find out if you are The Mom Of The House:
Lately, if you can remember, have you:
- Had to answer a question about what other family members should wear, and then handed them a color coded attire?
- Administered vitamins, or medicine, to people waiting?
- Showered, and been interrupted so many times, that you have forgotten to shave the other leg?
- Made sure that a filled questionnaire for school is in the backpack all ready for school?
- Ordered a child back inside so they can change to a more appropriate outfit, maybe to something that isn’t full of holes?
- Answered a call at work from your child, informing that they are at the school nurse because they bumped their head?
- Answered a call at work from your child, demanding to go to their friends house after school?
- Noticed, at work, that you spent an hour at work taking care of your children’s hobbies and organizing other business related to them?
- Noticed, at work, that you might not have showered this morning, and might not be wearing clean underwear?
- Left work early to pick a child up from somewhere?
- Driven around taking children to their hobbies?
- Contemplated the interior design of your house?
- Color coded laundry, and threatened your spouse with bloody murder if they ever try to color code laundry again?
- Threatened your spouse with divorce?
- Threatened your children with everything or anything?
- Felt guilty because dinner doesn’t match the governments dietary guidelines?
- Planned a menu for the entire week, and the grocery lists involved?
- Bought a whole week’s worth of groceries?
- Washed a child hair in a mediocre manner?
- Rushed through the bedtime story?
- Answered with ‘in a minute’ when a child wants to show you something?
- Vented to your spouse?
- Told your spouse that you ‘have a headache’?
If you answered yes to any of these, congratulations, you are clearly The Mom Of The House!
— Editors
The writer of this story is a member of the Mom of Finland community.
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