What is Mom of Finland?
Mom of Finland is a community of straightforward people. The Mom of Finland community lives the real, the unfiltered, the improper, the sometimes tiring and exhausting life. Our signature move is humor, and when that doesn’t work, screaming.
Mom of Finland started as Huono Äiti, a one woman show in Facebook seven years ago. After social media, came a blog, and after the blog we evolved into a huge Finnish community. With the success of the Finnish community, we now take a step to share the secrets of improper Finnish parenting with the rest of the world. The contents of Mom of Finland website is now made by members of the community and contributing editors.
The founder of Mom of Finland, Sari Helin, is a journalist known for her work in tv-programs, radio and magazines.
Sari Helin was a professional journalist between 1995 and 2010. From 1999 she worked for the Finnish Broadcasting Company both as a presenter and a reporter for TV Channel 1 news & current affairs programmes. She has authored six books and her columns have been published in several Finnish weeklies.
Mom of Finland / Huono Äiti Oy, Eteläesplanadi 2, 00130 Helsinki. Business ID 2420695-1.